Family Ministries' mission is to equip families to raise sons and daughters in their unique identity through encounters with God!
Growth Groups
Growth Groups are the heart of New Covenant Church and the way we do community. They give everyone the opportunity to connect outside of Sunday morning and a chance to dive deep into relationships. Relationships and community that revolve around Jesus is where transformation happens. Whether it’s discussing the Sunday sermon, talking about a life challenge, praying for one another, or simply going out for coffee, Growth Groups create a space for Christians to live out their faith in real life! They are also a comfortable introduction for nonbelievers to the Christian faith.

Celebrate Recovery
New Covenant Church's Inner Healing Ministries hosts Celebrate Recovery! Meeting weekly on Thursday's at 6:30 pm. Celebrate Recovery is for everyone with hurts, habits, and hangups. At CR, people find freedom from a myriad of different issues including: grief, anger, high anxiety, co-dependency, compulsive behaviors, sex addiction, financial dysfunction, and eating disorders just to name a few. We are looking for volunteers to help with everything from setup to greeting to worship. You don't need any experience in Celebrate Recovery, just a heart to serve and love on people. If you are interested in helping serve, contact us by email at
Missions Ministry
New Covenant Church believes is an apostolic governed ministry and our primary missions focus is advancing the Kingdom to present Jesus Christ while raising up spiritual leadership from within the community we are serving.
Our worship leadership team believes that everyone engaging in our worship service is the worship team. We love to lift up a holy roar of praise to our God, to enter into his courts with praise and linger there in unity and blessing His Holy name. We are an internally motivated, self-evaluating worship team that honors and celebrates gifts in the body of Christ. We value the presence of God. We engage with Him through spontaneous moments where the congregation, worship team and God interact.